
75+ customizable Canva pages to teach your Senior Reps or Spokesmodels EVERYTHING they need to be POWERFUL marketing machines for your business. This guide is designed to be sent to your Senior Reps as a "welcome guide" when they are selected for the team. It includes a timeline of the year, a breakdown of each event, inspiration boards for styled shoots, a 'marketing handbook', 50+ done-for-you Instagram captions for Reps to use, social media strategies, a welcome letter and marketing tips for parents and so much more! 

THE Features

The Senior Rep Handbook 

70+ customizable pages

Easy-to-use Canva template 

Instructional video tutorial + helpful tips throughout 

50+ done-for-you captions + real marketing strategies

HOURS of time saved with 2500+ words of copy to use instantly

Back to shop

70+ fully customizable pages

2500+ words of done-for-you copy

ongoing support in an engaged online community

Video tutorial on how to use + export the guide

10+ years of strategy and experience

That almost sounds silly to type out. Because...OBVIOUSLY high schools seniors aren't experts in all things marketing. But, if you are currently running a senior rep team and expecting them to post on social media about your business with NO guidance...this is what you are assuming! So many photographers end up feeling frustrated at the lack of referrals and content posted from their Senior Reps...but I would argue it might be because they don't know where to start! 

1. Your Seniors Aren't
Marketing Experts 

2. Lack of Communication = Lack of Excitement

If you are feeling like your Senior Reps aren't excited or engaged with being on the may be because they're feeling confused. This is their first time ever doing this! They don't know what to expect, when the next shoot is, how to prepare for it, what to wear or what they are supposed to be sharing. It can be tough to be excited when you have a ton of questions! 

The seniors are typically an easy sell when it comes to a Senior Rep program...but what about the PARENTS? Fun shoots, events and marketing can't happen if mom and dad aren't on the same page. A handbook that addresses both the senior AND their parents will help to leave them BOTH feeling excited and prepared for the year ahead. 

3. Getting Mom and Dad On Board

4. Epic Styled Shoots

One of the best parts about hosting a Senior Rep team is the SHOOTS! You get to plan fun styled shoots to represent your brand, grow your business and expand your portfolio....IF your seniors participate, prepare and select outfits that match the style you are hoping to achieve. The Senior Rep handbook includes detailed vision boards for each of your group shoots so that your Reps know exactly what to expect, what to wear and how to prep for each event. 

5. It's A Major Level-Up On Competitors

I'm a huge believer in community over competition...but I'm also a huge believer in strategically setting yourself apart! I started my senior photography business in a small town where there were already 2-3 VERY established senior photographers with sought-after Senior Rep programs. In order to stand out, I needed to step up...and a customized, 70=page handbook to gift your Reps is an AMAZING way to do just that. 

Let's talk about why a handbook for your senior reps will change everything: 

As a senior portrait photographer for over a decade, I know first-hand how much work goes into hosting a succesful Senior Rep program in your business...and I know how frustrating it can be to not see results in your bookings and revenue. Let's talk about why a Senior Rep Handbook may be the missing piece:

Not just a welcome guide or a "fluffy" magazine...

If you're burnt out and exhausted like I was back then...I get it.

The Senior Rep Handbook includes real marketing tools


50+ done-for-you Instagram captions that your Senior Reps can copy and paste to make social media sharing a no-brainer! 


Marketing strategies broken down by each social media platform: Instagram (Stories + Reels), Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat. 


Specific examples of ways to make content at each Senior Rep event (instead of just sharing their professional images!) 


Next-level marketing strategies to make the MOST out of their sharing: a full guide on how to market your business WELL using things like engaging stories, hashtags, networking and more.

Time is your most valuable asset...and I'm Going to save you HOURS of it.

the heart behind creating these templates is so that you can focus on the part of your business that you love: taking photos. Let me take all of the hard work out of this process - i've spent years perfecting this guide and all of it's content. all you have to do is add your own images! 

The Senior Rep Handbook SNEAK PEEK:

This template has been something I have dreamed up for YEARS...and it contains EVERYTHING you can think of to turn your Senior Reps into marketing machines for your business. I've done the hard work for just get to add your own beautiful images!

75+ Pages

We intentionally chose to design this guide in Canva to make it the most user-friendly experience possible. Canva is a free program that can be used in any web browser and requires NO design experience. We even include a tutorial on exactly how to use it when you purchase the guide! 

Easy to Use + Instantly Customize

I began my business when I was a high school student myself in 2013. This gives me a unique perspective on photographing + working with senior clients. I have now been photographing seniors for over 10 years...and the amount of content, value and knowledge in this guide is a culmination of those 10 years of experience! 

Created with 11+
Years of Experience

If the thought of considering purchasing this guide has entered your mind, that is all the thinking you need to do!"

-Madison Koch

What's all included...

The breakdown

Multiple cover design options to find one that fits your brand + preference best


Welcome letter to reps + parents + Meet photographer pages



What to expect: an entire walkthrough of the Senior Rep experience, as well as expectations + requirements

A timeline of Senior Rep events + a deep-dive into how to prepare for each one


Easily customizable inspiration boards for all group shoots + events


The "marketing handbook" section of the guide features 20 pages of tips, strategies and examples for best marketing practices



50+ done-for-you Instagram captions that your Reps can copy and paste

Examples of how to create content at each group shoot + event


How to market on each social media platform: Instagram, tiktok, facebook and more



Marketing tips for mom + dad, as well as ways to encourage their senior to participate in the Rep Team

BONUS: Optional add-on pages for things like in-person sales, welcome gifts + more to be sure you have EVERYTHING covered - even if your business model is different than mine! 


Instant access. Fully customizable. 70+ pages. HOURS AND HOURS OF TIME SAVED.

See how real customers are personalizing their handbook:

"so much better than templates I’ve bought in the past. 

-Casie McCabe

Thoughts from real customers:

"I HIGHLY recommend the Handbook- It was everything and MORE! "

-Morgan Vermylen

Here's what real photographers had to say about the senior rep handbook:

"This template is a game changer and now I want to purchase all your other templates! The ease of layout and how you can make changes in Canva is fantastic!! Not having to feel overwhelmed and frustrated with making one from scratch is a blessing. Having the wording done for you was just as much a relief as having the design of the template done as well. As a business owner and one woman show, I wear to many hats as it is. So this is just one more thing to check off my to do list and make changes to personalize it to my brand and that’s it!


"Hope thought of the basics and even the more elaborate things! The purpose of this guide is to help photographers help their team by informing them, but Hope HELPED ME get new ideas in the process. Things I would NEVER have thought of. Let Hope save you the time and creativity by adding this to your cart IMMEDIATELY. Purchasing this guide is going to save me so much time being behind my computer and letting me get to the most exciting part of my job sooner-- shooting sessions! 


"This guide is 100% worth the investment! The process to customize it was extremely easy. This guide is going to be a game changer. It is so hard to explain to high school seniors how to post on social media in a way that will actually help me grow my business. This guide makes it easy for them to know how best to support my goals! It is so well put together and looks amazing. I am so excited to have this in my business. 


THe biggest takeaway? 
It' way more than Just a template.
It's my entire senior rep strategy for you to use in just a few clicks.

Over 75 completely customizable pages
Video walkthrough + tutorial from Hope
Helpful links + notes from Hope throughout
HOURS of time saved with 2500+ words of copy instantly available at your fingertips 
Easy to customize using Canva - no design experience required! 
Online community of photographers to help as you work!


The senior rep handbook


the htp professional bio

but why learn from me?

I can still remember the days I sat in my high school classroom with a head full of big dreams. I was answering emails on my phone under the desk, skipping dances and pep rallies for meetings and hustling hard to make my dreams a reality. I had no idea if being a full-time business owner was even a possibility…but I knew that I was going to hustle harder than ever to make it happen. 

In the last 10+ years, I have been through so many seasons of business: seasons of doubt and insecurity, seasons of never feeling good enough, seasons of not knowing how in the world I was going to make this work and seasons where I was ready to give up. Wherever you are right now, however you are feeling, I’ve been there. I see you. And I am cheering you on every step of the way.

Through hard work and hustle and a whole lot of learning, I’ve been able to build a six-figure photography business doing what I love every day. And, even better: I have my LIFE back. I’ve implemented workflows and resources that allow me to be in control of my business, instead of my business controlling me.

With a passion for business strategy and marketing, and a heart for education, I want to provide you with the practical tools and knowledge you need to grow a successful, profitable business built in service and love.  

I'm convinced. Let's do this.

I want to customize my guide!

frequently asked

As soon as you hit "purchase" on the Senior Rep Handbook, you will get an email with access to your own personal template + a video tutorial from Hope on how to use + customize the guide in your own business. 

While the guide was designed specifically for senior portraits and senior rep teams, it can EASILY be customized to fit any industry or niche! If you are a branding, family, newborn, boudoir or any other type of photographer with a referral program...this guide can also totally work for you! It will just take a smidge more customizing. 


How does it work? 

Is this only for senior photographers?

Nope! Canva is a free program that you can use in any internet browser. It's part of why it is SO easy - we designed it that way on purpose!

Do I need to have a certain software or anything special on my computer?

Absolutely! Purchasing any shop product gives you access to our exclusive online community of HUNDREDS of photographers that are students or customers of the shop. This is where you can ask questions, share wins and get ongoing support!

Forever! Purchasing the guide includes instant, lifetime access to the template. So, you can update it year after year - or complete it whenever you have time! You can also remove pages that you may not need right now...then add more pages as your business expands.

Do I get access to your FB group?

How long will I have access to this template?

You have tons of options for how to deliver this guide! You can send them a view-only link to access it online, or you can export it in any format you'd like: PDF, PNG, JPEG, etc. You can also export for print if you'd like to get physical copies! There's a tutorial included on how to export no matter which option you prefer.

Once I finish customizing the guide, how do i send it to my clients? 



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