let me make email marketing easy for you.


Email marketing can be intimidating and overwhelming...but it can also be life-changing. I've created a simplified, no-fluff course to help you utilize email marketing to grow your business and automate your revenue. 

Ready to start automating your income?



Picture this: in 2016, I was 2 years into my photography business. I was only 17 years old, and I was making six figures in revenue...but I was EXHAUSTED. The only way I was making money was directly trading my TIME...and I was far past burnt out. I was quite literally putting myself in the hospital because my body was so exhausted and over-worked. I knew something had to change. 

Enter: my first email list. I started collecting my customer's email addresses and selling directly to them in their inbox. Then, I began automating the entire process. All of a sudden, I was making money in my sleep...and I had my LIFE back.

Let me teach you exactly how I did it.

The simplified email marketing course you've been waiting for

If you're burnt out and exhausted like I was back then...I get it.

If you're burnt out and exhausted like I was back then...I get it.

Maybe you're feeling something like this...


Your business is growing and you're making income...but you feel like you're running on a never-ending hamster wheel to bring in that revenue. Why can't it just be easier?


You're tired of trying to juggle ALL of the different marketing platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, Podcasts, YouTube...it's exhausting.


You've heard the term "email marketing" tossed around...but you haven't figured out how it applies to YOU.


You desire healthy work-life balance, and to be able to turn off your phone and know that business won't stop just because you take a day off
(a well-deserved one, might I add).

"This is the most thorough email marketing course I've ever taken."

Hope does an amazing job of breaking everything down. It's perfect for both a beginner and a seasoned business owner as she throws in advanced strategies and suggestions throughout the course.

— Brooke

but, guess what...

It doesn't have to be that way.

I know it sounds like an empty promise or a make-believe fairytale...but there IS a way to automate your marketing, simplify your systems and let your business run on auto-pilot. Imagine being out to dinner with your spouse or at the park with your kids when you get a notification that you've made a sale...and imagine the FREEDOM that could create for you.

I spent years researching, trial and error-ing and failing my way through this strategy...until it all clicked. And now I've made it simple for you.

enroll in start. scale. send.

The no-fluff, simplified course to help you understand email marketing and set up (or perfect) your very first funnel.



This section of the course includes 4 modules (14 video lessons) to break down EVERYTHING you need to know about email marketing. From selecting your email platform, technical tutorials, understanding the terms and creating your first lead magnet...the START phase of the course is jam-packed and lays the foundation for your success. 

Now that you have your email list created and lead magnet ready to go, it's time to start getting people on your list. The SCALE phase of the course includes 5 video lessons that break down the marketing, strategy and technical tutorials you need to get your first 100 (or 1,000!) subscribers on your email list.

Here's What I'll Teach You:



the basics + foundation

Getting people on your list 

In addition to 24 video lessons, the course includes access to the 85+ page workbook to guide you through every step of the process. This workbook includes worksheets, templates, sample emails, my own REAL email funnels and so much more. It is jam-packed...and it could be sold as a stand-alone product outside of this course. But, it's INCLUDED! 

The Workbook + Templates

Your new best friend

Now you have an email list and subscribers...but what in the heck do you actually SEND them? And, more importantly, how do you make MONEY while doing it? The SEND phase includes 3 modules with 5 video lessons to show you exactly how to craft powerful emails, structure your funnel and automate the process. 


What the heck you're supposed to send them


Phase 1: Start

The Value of Email Marketing 

enroll now

The Glossary & Crash Course

enroll now

Find Your People & Love Them Well: The Big 3

enroll NOW

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Phase 3: Send

Phase 2: Scale

Intro + Welcome to The Course! 

enroll now

Step 1: understanding the basics

Step 2: The set-up

Step 3: types of lead magnets

Step 4: setting up your lead magnet

Phase 1: Start

Setting Up
 Your Form

enroll now

Landing Pages in ConvertKit

enroll now

Landing Pages on Your Website

enroll now

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Phase 3: Send

Phase 2: Scale

Step 1: understanding the basics

Step 2: The set-up

Step 3: types of lead magnets

Step 4: setting up your lead magnet

Phase 1: Start

Where to Share:
the lead magnet checklist

enroll NOW

Hero Content: the fail-proof
content system

enroll NOW

social media marketing: building buzz

enroll NOW

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Phase 3: Send

Phase 2: Scale

Step 1: getting people on your list

podcast pitches & networking

enroll NOW

Free classes + live webinars

enroll now

Phase 1: Start

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Phase 3: Send

Phase 2: Scale

The Structure of a Funnel

enroll now

step 1: What the heck do I send?



Creating Strategic Nurture

enroll now

Phase 1: Start

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Phase 3: Send

Phase 2: Scale

Subject Lines

enroll NOW

step 1: What the heck do I send?



Typing Powerful Emails

enroll now

Phase 1: Start

Want a Sneak Peek of Course Lessons?

Phase 3: Send

Phase 2: Scale

troubleshooting: Ending Up in Spam
(and how to fix it!) 

enroll now

step 1: What the heck do I send?



A comprehensive walkthrough of email marketing...even if you are starting with zero knowledge. 

How does this sound?

Video lessons, worksheets, guides and done-for-you templates that you can use right away.



Here's what you can expect:

Your 5-day email funnel will be ready to send by the end of this course...and ready to make you money.


An engaged, excited online community to help provide continued support (and celebrate wins!)


Technical tutorials, bonus videos and screen recordings to help you through any possible roadblock.


I'm ready to sign up!

A Simplified,
3-Phase Framework:

Understand the basics, the key terms, the technical backend and the "why" behind how this strategy can transform your business.


Create your first lead magnet and use these strategies to market it and get the first 100 (or 1,000) people on your list.


Dive into how to structure your email marketing funnel, what makes powerful emails and find templates for every stop of the process. 


"This course is life-changing!  It was everything I expected and more. Everyone who owns a business needs this course!"

- April

Real Students


"Hope delivers a very manageable, tactical plan that will get your email marketing heading in the right direction...even for those of us with little to NO email list."

- Kristin

Kind Words


This course is designed to be a simple framework... not a confusing strategy that just adds more to your plate.

simple, straight-to-the-point, no-fluff video content that works.

"Hope has a way of breaking things down and making you see a different perspective."

She breaks the processes down, but also helps you to understand the WHY behind email marketing and how we can serve our clients better as well as build our businesses.

Jenny never thought this strategy could work for her 

Real student results:

"THIS will help bring your business and confidence in marketing up to the next level!"

If you felt stuck in the past because you were unsure if you should start, how to start and how to grow, don’t worry this course will show you how in a simple yet impactful way to understand and get started and see results today!

Keri feels confident and empowered

"This was more than an email marketing course! "

I highly recommend Start. Scale. Send. to anyone looking to understand and implement email marketing in their business. Hope does a wonderful job of being thorough in her explanations, sharing real strategies and suggestions, and providing templates that can be tweaked and used immediately.

Brooke was able to grow her existing list 

I see you working late-night hours, glued to your laptop and trying to juggle ALL the moving pieces. I know exactly what it feels like to work hard enough to prove that your business is a success. But, it doesn't have to mean running yourself into the ground. I designed this course specifically with YOU in mind...because I want to help you simplify your systems, scale your business and automate your income. 

You know you have a product or service that sells...but you need to make the process of selling it just a little bit easier. You're overwhelmed and spread too thin...but you don't have to be.

You're in the right place.

When I teach about email marketing, the biggest response I get is "okay...but how does this work for a PHOTOGRAPHER?" So, I created a BONUS guide specifically for my photographer friends that includes a FULLY WRITTEN 5-day sales funnel of email templates that you can take and use RIGHT NOW in your biz. Only available if you sign up THIS WEEK! 

I created a special bonus just for you.

Hey, Photographer!


Have your first (or next) powerful lead magnet ready to start sharing to grow your audience. 

Understand the complex world of email marketing and how it applies to YOUR industry, business and strategy. 

Simplify your content strategy to work smarter, not harder...and still make more revenue than before.

Have a clear, actionable plan in place for scaling your email list and automating all of your marketing. 

Have your first (or next) email funnel ready to send your list right away.

Be able to sell to your audience and make money in your sleep through automations.

By the end of this, you will...

Enroll Now

I'm Hope: a photographer turned strategy nerd.

I started a photography business when I was just 16 years old, and I've scaled it to become one of the top educators in the industry. I want to show you the exact strategy that helped me make it happen.

more about me

Well hey, ya'll! 

Email Changed Everything.

What would it feel like if you knew you could take a vacation with your family...and your business would still be running FOR you while you were sipping a drink by the pool? That is EXACTLY what email marketing did for me.
I went from running on the hamster wheel and working around the clock...to knowing that I had systems and automations in place that were serving my customers, selling my offers and making money...even if I wasn't actively working. I went from having no social life (or really any concept of work/life balance at all)...to a business that generated 5 figures in revenue while I was out of office for a full MONTH on my wedding and honeymoon.

You can have the exact same results...and that's exactly why I designed this course for you.

When I look back at my last 10 years in business...it's so clear that

This course is not like other email marketing courses you've seen before.

it's designed to be simplified + no-fluff

Email marketing can be SUCH an overwhelming topic...but it doesn't have to be. I spent years building this course curriculum to be easy to understand, straight to the point and no-fluff. I don't want to waste your time with long-winded videos and unnecessary small talk...I want to get you RESULTS. 

The 24 video lessons in this course can easily be consumed in just a few days, and the supplemental 85+ page workbook gives you actionable worksheets and strategies that you can start doing right away. The done-for-you email templates can be easily customized and implemented RIGHT now. This course is designed to feel like a breeze...not a burden or just another thing to add to your to-do list.

you don't have to do it alone 

One of the most valuable parts of your course investment has nothing to do with the content itself.
Yep, you read that right. 
Your investment in Start. Scale. Send. includes access to an engaged online community of HUNDREDS of business owners from across the globe. These business owners are all students inside my courses, and they are there to help do the work right alongside you. You can celebrate your wins, ask questions and get continued support as you apply this content to your small business. You'll never feel like you're on an island...you'll feel like part of the family. And I'll be there to help you along the way! 

real video lessons...not just voice-overs or slides

instant, lifetime access to hours of content

Continued support in an engaged online community

Access to my own email funnels + templates

Start. Scale. Send. is all-inclusive and one-of-a-kind.

This course doesn't just include video lessons...it includes technical tutorials, continued support, done-for-you email templates, an inside look at my exact email funnels that are generating six figures in passive revenue for my business RIGHT NOW and so much more.

Working less and creating lasting systems in your business

Automating your marketing  to get your TIME back

Setting up email funnels that will make you money in your sleep

Understanding a new marketing strategy and simplifying your content system to serve your audience better than ever before

Actually sending content to that email list you created years ago but haven't touched

Serving your audience well and consistently adding value...not just emailing them when you think of it once every few months

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* commit to:

Enroll Now

Yep...we don't mess around with your money.

Nervous to make such a large course purchase? I get it, I've been there. But, I am so confident in the content of this course and it's ability to change your business and your life - that I am giving you my word: if you complete this course in it's entirety in 30 days, download all of the files and implement the education and don't see results, I will give you all of the money back.But...I'm confident that won't happen. This education is real, it works and it is exactly what I did to grow my business to where it is today. 

money back 


This is for you if:

You want to scale your business 

you don't have anything to sell yet

you want to automate your systems

you're not ready to implement new strategies

You want to get your time back

It's probably not for you if...

you aren't interested in putting in the work

Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

Start Scale Send

1 payment of $410

Instant, lifetime access to all course content

25+ video lessons + technical tutorials

Access to an engaged online community

85+ page workbook + done-for-you email templates

When does the course content begin? 

As soon as you hit "buy"! You will receive a confirmation email with your log-in information, and you can start watching the content right away. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get lifetime access? 

Absolutely! Your purchase includes lifetime access to watch (and re-watch!) the content as much as you'd like. This also means you can purchase the course now (while it's on sale) and watch it whenever you have the time...even if that's not for a little while.

Do I need any special software/programs to watch the course? 

Nope! All you need is internet access to watch the course content. Inside the course, we will talk all about the different email marketing platforms and programs that you can choose from to implement what you learn.

Do you offer a payment plan? 

A payment plan is ONLY available when the course is on sale for a few days at a time. Because of the nature of the instant, lifetime access - we can't offer payment plans year-round. 

How does the money-back guarantee work? 

Great question! We stand by our money-back  guarantee and take it very seriously. If you complete the course and apply what you've learned, but don't see results in 30 days...we'll pay you back 100% of your investment, no questions asked.

I'm not a photographer... does this apply to me? 

YES! The most exciting part about this course is that it's my FIRST educational product that applies to any small business or entrepreneur. The content and strategies inside this course can be applied to any business.  


students in my online courses


number of years in business


the amount my revenue increased because of email 


subscribers on my email list
shoot me an email

I get it! Your hard-earned dollars should only be spent on courses that are the absolute best fit for you and your business right now. If you're unsure or on the fence, I'd be thrilled to chat with you one-on-one to help you determine if Start. Scale. Send is the right investment for you right now.

Not sure yet?